Jul 2024

Stakeholder news

Meet Max “Ronnie” Oldham,  Commercial Sales Professional at Henna Chevrolet

Board Member Since 2021

Stakeholder since  2004 and Supporting Member since July 2018

CSA Certified Fuel System Inspector, ASE F-1 Certified, Texas Railroad Commission CNG Certified

Ronnie is recognized nationally as a rock star when it comes to the technical and practical aspects of alternative fuel vehicles and fueling. He has over 20 years of experience with CNG, LPG, and plug-in hybrid systems. He founded and operated CleanFuel Conversions for 12 years, which upfitted vehicles to run on compressed natural gas and propane. He worked with Clean Cities and Communities Coalitions, Propane and Natural Gas Associations across a number of states bringing his vehicles to different events. He and Elizabeth Munger had a friendly sales rivalry prior to her joining Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance when she worked for a major auto manufacturer selling natural gas vehicles to fleet customers.

Ronnie shared he got started when he “wanted to purchase reserve parts, but there weren’t any.  I found a few companies that sold kits for conversions so I signed up to be a dealer. Next thing you knew, I had purchased a New Ford Focus and my buddy watched me in my driveway as I cut the metal of this brand new car, like I can’t believe you are doing this! But it worked out great!”

Ronnie has been selling commercial vehicles for Henna Chevrolet since 2016. In 2018, he became a supporting member of LSCFA, keeping us and our stakeholders up-to-date with new medium-duty work trucks, vans and other fleet vehicles from Isuzu and Chevrolet. In December 2021, after years of being a dedicated stakeholder and Coalition member, Ronnie joined the LSCFA board of directors. Ronnie’s industry-wide contacts and technical understanding of multiple fuels and technologies continues to guide and support LSCFA’s educational mission.

Find Ronnie at the Henna Chevrolet Commercial Fleet Sales Building!

8805 IH-35 N Austin, TX 78753

Email: Max.Oldham@Henna.com

Phone: 512-289-9799

Just arrived EVs!

2024 Silverado EV 3WT

Total Vehicle Price: $74,800

Fuel Economy: 67 MpGe (Mile per a Gallon Equivalent)

Annual Fuel Cost: $1,150

2024 Equinox EV 2RS FWD

Total Vehicle Price: $47,495

Fuel Economy: 108 MpGe (Mile per a Gallon Equivalent)

Annual Fuel Cost: $700

Air Quality Alert

Not aware of the air?

Stay up to date with Air Quality Alerts from Air Central Texas when PM2.5 and ozone are forecast to reach levels unhealthy for sensitive groups via email alerts. They will provide tips on how to reduce exposure to air pollution and how to cut down on your emissions.

CapMetro All Electric Bike Fleet Coming Soon

On June 24th, CapMetro made the official announcement that a new bike-share program is coming this July. Due to the upcoming changes, all MetroBike services closed on Jul 1, 2024 in order to transition to the new docking stations and bikes.

With CapMetro Bikeshare, you can look forward to the following:

  • New fleet of 100% electric assist bikes

  • All new docking stations, with a select few new locations

  • Automatic motor with all-pedal assist

  • More stable ride with a durable bike frame and inline battery placement

  • Convenient pass-purchasing in the new Bikeshare App

CapMetro plans on doing a rolling launch of the new service starting in mid-July and ending in the fall. The Electric bikes are considered “e-assist bikes” and do not replace the need of pedaling but automatically assist the rider. We are excited to see how the launch of the Electric Bike Fleet can help to support Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction efforts made possible by individuals and organization’s Work Commute VMT Reduction Programs like the CLIPS Program for all Travis County Employees.

Try an Electric Bike next time you need to get around in Austin!

COalition News

Thank you to all those who could attend our Webinar and to presenters Jesse Blair from Synthica, Joshua Hull from Morrow Energy, and John Reis from EDL Energy! This webinar was made possible through the collaborative efforts of The Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas, the American Energy Institute, the Alamo Area Council of Governments, and Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance.

We need YOUR feedback for future RNG webinars.

Take the survey below if YOU want to:

    • Hearing from municipalities generating RNG for energy

    • Get in-depth focus on specific feedstock: Waste Water, Landfill, Animal, or Food Waste

    • Learn how to evaluate RNG production opportunities  

    • Attend a San Antonio RNG production facility site visit

Interested in learning more about Renewable Natural Gas?

DOWNLOAD our resource guide.

Visit to IC Bus School Bus Factory in Tulsa

Each year our regional group of South Central Clean Cities and Communities region’s Coalitions take turns hosting a regional meeting. This year we met in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

A highlight was touring the IC Bus school bus manufacturing facility (a subsidiary of Navistar International Corporation). Joining our Director, Elizabeth Munger, on the tour was Ben Finley from Houston Galveston CC&C, Jared Wright from DFWCC&C, and  Lyle Hufstetler from Alamo Areas CC&C.  Elizabeth reports, “The factory is impressive!  Almost a mile long, the 1-million-square-foot plant is the world’s leading producer of diesel and electric school buses.  All of the manufacture and assembly is done in this location. At peak production 75 school buses are produced each day.”  

This is our SECOND YEAR recognizing stakeholder organizations for their use of alternative fuels, advanced vehicle technologies, and fuel-saving strategies. We collect data through an annual Fleet and Fuel Survey which helps us provide targeted education, identify funding, and peer mentoring opportunities as well as publicize these efforts.


Thank you to everyone who returned their 2023 Fleet and Fuel Survey

Official Awards Announcements will be made later this year!

How to receive the VMT Reduction Badge for your organization.

VMT stands for Vehicle Miles Traveled

What is the VMT Reduction Badge?

  • The badge recognizes the implementation of policies, training, or technology for reducing fleet or employee vehicle miles traveled.

How can my organization start a VMT Program?

How to receive the Electrical Pre-Wiring Badge for your organization.

What is Electrical Pre-Wiring?

  • The badge recognizes municipalities, businesses, and other organizations who during the construction phase prepare the site infrastructure for FUTURE EV charging stations.

Why  do we recognize  PRE-Wiring and New Charging stations separately?

  • The cost to install EV-Capable infrastructure during new construction is 4-6 times less expensive than during a stand-alone retrofit. We want to highlight the importance of EV pre-wiring and the efforts made by organizations to prepare for future EV infrastructure. Source: Energy Solutions, 2019

Click here to learn more about our Fleet Recognition Program.

Grants and Fundings

Texas Clean School Bus Program (TCSB) Funding $13.6M


Grants to Replace or Retrofit School Buses

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) is now accepting applications for the Texas Clean School Bus (TCSB) Program, which is designed to reduce school children’s exposure to diesel exhaust from school buses. Grants are available statewide for eligible public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools in Texas. Private schools do not qualify for funding.

Eligible Projects:

  • Replacing pre-2007, diesel-fueled school buses with buses that are the current or previous model year at the time you apply. If a bus is used under a lease or lease-purchase agreement, it only qualifies as a retrofit project.

  • Purchasing and installing a retrofit system on an eligible school bus.

    Applications will be accepted and considered on a first-come, first-served basis until  October 14, 2024 or until all available funds have been awarded.  

    Here are the step-by-step instructions to apply.

Rebate Grants Program Funding $92M


Grants for Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Equipment


The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) is now accepting applications for the Rebate Grants Program provides funding to upgrade or replace heavy-duty diesel vehicles and equipment in certain areas of Texas. Grants are available for individuals, state and local governments, corporations*, or any other legal entity.

Eligible Projects:

  • Replacing vehicles or equipment with newer models.

  • Re-powering vehicles or equipment.

  • Purchasing or leasing new zero-emission or near zero-emission vehicles.

  • Installing electric-powered equipment on vehicles or equipment.

    Applications for any of the above may include a request for additional funding for alternative fuel infrastructure.

  • Allowable alternative fuels are: Electricity, Hydrogen, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane (LPG), and methanol.

Applications will be accepted and considered based on criteria described in the Request for Grant Applications, until July 29, 2024 or until all available funds have been awarded.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to apply.

*There is specific funding set aside for small businesses.

Free Technical Assistance to Develop Bus Fleet Electrification Plans

Technical Expert Assistance to Support Planning for Bus Electrification

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation are working together to provide The Clean Bus Planning Awards (CBPA) Program. The CBPA is not an incentive program, and fleets do not receive direct funding—rather, selected applicants will be allocated technical assistance resources by NREL.

Applications for assistance are open on a rolling basis through Sept. 30, 2024, giving fleets an opportunity to fully understand their needs before applying for support. This new program will reduce the burden of electrification by helping fleet managers create a step-by-step plan to transition their bus fleet. Click here to apply.

The Lunch and Learn featured CBPA Project Lead, Mike Jones who discussed how this project benefits the electrification process of your Fleet!

Seaport and Rail Yard Areas Emissions Reduction Program (SPRY) Funding $20.3M

Grants for Drayage and Cargo Handling Equipment

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) is now accepting applications for the Seaport and Rail Yard Areas Emissions Reduction Program (SPRY) provides grants for upgrading or replacing older drayage and container handling equipment. Grants are available for individuals, corporations, organizations, governments, government agencies, and any other legal entity, which also may include a corporation headquartered outside of Texas that operates eligible equipment in Texas.

Eligible Projects:

  • Replacing or re-powering drayage and cargo handling equipment and vehicles with newer ones.

  • New vehicles and equipment must emit nitrogen oxides (NOX) at a rate that is at least 25% less than the vehicles or equipment being replaced.

  • Applicants must have owned or leased eligible vehicles and equipment for at least the two years preceding the signature date on the application. Examples: aerial lifts and cranes, forklifts, crawler tractors, container handling equipment, haul trucks and yard trucks.

Applications will be accepted and considered first-served program based on criteria outlined in the Request for Grant Applications until March 4, 2025or until all available funds have been awarded.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to apply.

Emissions Reduction Incentive Grants (ERIG) Program Funding $TBD


Grants for Locomotive, Marine, Stationary or Select Non-road Equipment

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) is now accepting applications for the ERIG program provides financial incentives to re-power or replace older locomotive, marine, stationary equipment, or select non-road equipment to reduce NOX emissions in ozone non-attainment areas and affected counties in Texas. Grants are available for individuals, state and local governments, corporations*, or any other legal entity.

Eligible Projects:

  • Select non-road equipment*

  • Stationary equipment

  • Marine vessels

  • Locomotives

*Note: If your non-road equipment is listed in the Maximum Eligible Grant Tables for the Rebate program, it is NOT eligible for ERIG. Applicants with eligible projects may request additional funding for refueling infrastructure that will be installed on-site. Allowable alternative fuels are: electricity, hydrogen, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane (LPG), or methanol.

Limited funding available. This is a competitive grant based on criteria described in the Request for Grant Applications.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to apply.

**Depending on when you open our newsletter, grant may be open.**

Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program

Announcing the 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program!

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the launch of the 2024 Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program to fund the replacement of non-zero-emission Class 6 and Class 7 heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission vehicles. The EPA expects to offer up to $932 million in funding for high-quality applications that propose to serve communities across the country, particularly those overburdened by air pollution. At least $400 million will be used to fund projects in communities in air quality non-attainment areas.

Eligible applicants to the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program include:

  • States, including U.S. territories;  

  • Municipalities, including public school districts;  

  • Indian Tribes; and

  • Nonprofit school transportation associations.

Click here to learn more about eligible vehicles and projects.

Applicants must submit all application materials by:

July 25, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET

Potential applicants without a Grants.gov or System for Award Management (SAM.gov) accounts are encouraged to initiate the registration process for each account as soon as possible since the registration process can take a month or more.


Lone Star Clean Fuel Alliance is going through a rebrand to highlight our status as THE Clean Cities and Communities (CC&C) Coalition located in Central Texas and to build a stronger association with the national CC&C Network.

Our decision for our name and logo transformation coincided with the rebrand of the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities partnership as “Clean Cities and Communities” in February 2024.  

In our NEW LOGO we will be using the same colors, theme, and graphics found in the Department of Energy’s NEW and updated CC&C logo and transportation graphics. Feedback has been incorporated from our board of directors, key stakeholders, and our 3 sister CC&C coalitions in Texas.  

We aim to:

  • highlight our work in the transportation sector

  • identify our geographic area

  • create a versatile, contemporary design

It’s a fitting change as we celebrate our 30th anniversary as a coalition. In upcoming months you’ll see:

  • Our NEW logo and tagline revealed

  • The launch of the NEW website

  • Same mission, NEW name:

Our mission as a Clean Cities and Communities Coalition is to advance the nation’s environment, energy security, and economic prosperity through collaboration with communities by building partnerships with public and private stakeholders that create equitable deployment of clean transportation solutions for all.

August 27th 2024, 12-1 pm CST

Join us for a webinar covering an overview of Clean School Bus federal and state funding available to school districts! This webinar will cover four clean school bus funding programs and discuss helpful resources available to school districts for electric school bus deployment planning, technical assistance, driver training and more.

Funding Programs:

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean School Bus Program

  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) TXVEMP All-Electric Grant Round

  • TCEQ Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) Clean School Bus Program

Thank you to our members

Silver Partners

Industry Partners

Supporting members

Fleet members