Renewable Natural Gas & Propane

Webinar Resource Guide, August 2023

Key Points

Renewable natural gas can be made from landfill, livestock or crop waste. It is fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas and can be used in the same pipeline, equipment, etc. Scroll to the last page of this guide for the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas list of RNG plants currently operating or planned to be operating in Texas.

Similarly, renewable propane is made primarily from plant and vegetable oils, animal fats or used cooking oil and is fully interchangeable with conventional propane and can be used in the same tanks and equipment, etc. According to the Propane Education and Research Council, significant investments have been made in propane feedstock and refineries which are projected to increase availability and decrease costs of renewable propane beginning in 2024.

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is a pipeline-quality gas that is fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas and can be used in natural gas vehicles. RNG is essentially biogas (the gaseous product of the decomposition of organic matter) that has been processed to purity standards. Like conventional natural gas, RNG can be used as a transportation fuel in the form of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). RNG qualifies as an advanced biofuel under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

General information on RNG may be found at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) RNG Website and on the Texas Natural Gas Foundation Website.

Renewable Natural Gas Production

The US Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) provides information on renewable natural gas production. Additionally, the AFDC Renewable Natural Gas webpage provides the biomass sources that qualify RNG as an advanced biofuel under the RFS.

Argonne National Laboratory’s RNG for Transportation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) provides an overview of RNG.

Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers the RFS program and tracks compliance through the RIN System, which assigns a RIN to each gallon of renewable fuel. EPA tracks production and use of qualifying renewable fuel using Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs).

RINs are generated by renewable fuel producers or importers and are bought and sold “attached” to the renewable fuel unSl the fuel is purchased by an obligated party (e.g., a refiner or importer of gasoline or diesel fuel). At that point the RIN is “separated” from the fuel and may thereafter be independently bought or sold unSl it is retired to meet an obligated party’s renewable volume obligation.

Visit the EPA RINs Under the RFS Program website for more information.

Renewable Propane

Renewable propane can be made from a variety of renewable feedstocks and have even lower carbon emissions when compared with other energy sources. The most common form of renewable propane today is a byproduct of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel made primarily from plant and vegetable oils, animal fats, or used cooking oil.

The Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) Renewable Propane website provides general information and compares renewable propane to other energy sources.

The AFDC Propane Production and Distribution website provides further information on how renewable propane is produced and distributed.

Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program

Housed in the Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technology Office, there are approximately 75 designated Coalitions like Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance and Houston-Galveston Clean Cities Coalition across the nation participating in the national Clean Cities Program. Each Coalition is fuel neutral with an aim to educate businesses. governments and organizations on the opSons within alternative fueled vehicles, fuel efficient technologies and energy-efficient mobility systems.

Presentation Assets

Renewable Propane School Bus Experiences

Anthony Willis – Elk Grove Unified School District

Motor Fuel Tax Rates

Brett Barry – Clean Energy

Understanding Carbon Intensity, Renewable Propane, and Why They Matter

Bryan Cordill – PERC

What is RNG and Why is it Good for Texas & Texans?

Eddie Murray – Freedom CNG

Fleet Experiences Renewable Natural Gas and Renewable Propane

Will O’Connor – City of Austin

Renewable Propane in the Transportation Market

Areeb West – AmeriGas

About the Speakers

J. Ben Finley

The HGCCC was originally created in 1997, and promotes advanced transportation solutions through outreach and education activities. The HGCCC catalyzes, connects, and facilitates implementation of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. The Coalition works closely with H- GAC’s Clean Vehicles Program and other funding initiatives to assist organizations secure funding for projects. The HGCCC region includes the counties of: Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller.


Elizabeth Munger

Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance (LSCFA)
Clean Cities Coalition serving Central Texas

Designated as a Clean Cities Coalition in 1994, the LSCFA is a stand-alone nonprofit located in Austin. It works closely with the Capital Area Council of Governments and other non-profit and industry organizaSons to assist businesses in deploying cleaner vehicles and technologies. LSCFA spans Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson counSes.


Eddie Murray

Business Development
Freedom CNG

Eddie Murray has over 30 years of experience working in industries including Malt Beverage, Media and Energy. He has been in sales, marketing, and management for companies including Labatt, InBev USA. His assignments have been with Southwestern Energy and currently with Freedom CNG where he leads the effort to develop Compressed Natural Gas for transportation and local delivery companies for the past 9 years.

Murray is a professional with a track record and passion for growing profitable businesses.


Areeb West

Renewables Account Manager

Areeb’s most recent experience is in renewable natural gas (RNG) compliance, which included quality assurance/control over the generaSon, distribution, and marketing of credits (CFP, LCFS and RINs). She also has experience in midstream oil & gas accounting and settlements, internal audit, and contract compliance.

West lives in Houston and is passionate about renewable energy.


Josh McAdams

Vice President
McAdams Propane

Josh is a 2006 graduate of Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in business management from the Mays School of Business. Upon graduation from Texas A&M University, Josh joined Enterprise Products and held roles in transportation logistics, wholesale propane, and pipeline allocaSon. In 2008 Josh joined his family’s business where he oversees all internal and external operaSons, business development, and accounSng.

McAdams Propane’s footprint covers the eastern side of Texas with 7 locations supplying over 12,000 end user propane customers in a variety of markets.

In 2014, Josh founded and became a partner in Midstream Transportation Company. Midstream Transportation Company is a liquids bulk carrier that covers the Gulf Coast region of the US that specializes in transporting by truck and transloading by rail all NGLs and crude oil.

(936) 598-7444

Bryan Cordill

Director of Residential Business Development
Propane Education and Research Council

Bryan spent 17 years working as sales manager for his family’s propane business, Cordill Butane- Propane Service, an independent propane supplier in Northeast Louisiana. In this role Bryan worked across all new markets including propane autogas adoption for local and national fleets. Bryan has a master’s degree in industrial and organizaSonal psychology from Louisiana Tech University, and lives in Monroe, Louisiana.


Will O’Connor

Will has had a remarkable 30-year career in the automotive industry. He has risen to prominence as the Emerging Technologies Division Manager for City of Austin Fleet Mobility Services. In his 15- year tenure with the City of Austin, he has been a driving force behind the city’s commitment to sustainable transportation solutions. His responsibilities encompass managing 42 fuel sites,

Renewable Natural Gas & Propane Webinar August 2023 Page 5

implementing alternative fuel and battery electric vehicle programs, integrating advanced telematics, and overseeing Fleet Information Management systems.

Will is a key figure in revolutionizing Austin’s fleet operaSons and fostering a greener, more technologically advanced future for the city. Through his tireless efforts, O’Connor continues to shape the landscape of urban mobility and environmental sustainability.


Anthony Willis

Anthony has been in the automotive field since 2011, and officially as a technician since 2013. He previously was a mechanic, and is now a supervisor overseeing about 200 buses and 600+ other district vehicles.

Elk Grove currently operates 32 propane buses, 10 electric buses, and 15 CNG buses in addiSon to their diesel fleet.

916-686-7733 x 78221

Brett Barry

Policy Director
Clean Energy

Brett is responsible for advancing state-level policies in the eastern half of the country which support the use of renewable natural gas in the transportation sector. He was at the forefront of the successful effort to establish a uniform method of sale and taxaSon for natural gas motor fuels throughout the continental United States.

Clean Energy is North America’s largest provider of renewable natural gas for the transportation sector with 570+ refueling stations throughout the United States and Canada. Prior to joining Clean Energy in 2012, he served as a Policy Analyst for Pennsylvania House Majority Whip Stan Saylor and worked closely on legislative matters related to the development of the Marcellus Shale. Brett serves on the board of the Low Carbon Fuels Coalition and the Texas Clean Fuels Alliance.


Additional Contacts

Heather Ball

Heather was as director of markeSng for alternaSve fuels at the Texas Railroad Commission, where she was very acSve in educaSng, grant wriSng and supporSng propane and natural gas vehicles. She co-founded the Texas Natural Gas FoundaSon now the American Energy InsStute. She conSnues to advocate for the criScal role of Texas energy resources in securing U.S. energy independence, cleaner air and water, support for educaSon and a vibrant entrepreneurial economy.


David Cox

Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas


Jackie Mason

Education & Marketing Director
Propane Council of Texas


List of Operational & Planned RNG Sites in Texas

Feedstock(s)StateCityEnd Use
Municipal Solid WasteTXAlta LomaTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXAlvaradoTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXAlvinTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXAndersonTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXAngletonTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXArlington/EulessTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXBeaumontTransportation Fuel
Ag WasteTXCactusTransportation Fuel
Ag WasteTXComoTransportation Fuel
Food Waste / SSO*TXDalhartTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXDallasTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXEdinburgTransportation Fuel
Ag WasteTXEnergy/GustineTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXEnnisTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXFerrisTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXFort WorthTransportation Fuel
Food Waste / SSOTXFort Worth 
Municipal Solid WasteTXFresnoTransportation Fuel
Ag WasteTXFrionaTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXGarlandTransportation Fuel
Food Waste / SSOTXHoustonUnknown
Municipal Solid WasteTXHoustonTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXHoustonTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXHumbleTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXHuttoTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXIowa ParkTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXKilgoreTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXLewisvilleTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXMelissaTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXNeedvilleTransportation Fuel
WastewaterTXSan AntonioTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXSan AntonioTransportation Fuel
Food Waste / SSOTXSan Antonio 
Municipal Solid WasteTXTylerTransportation Fuel
Municipal Solid WasteTXWeatherfordTransportation Fuel
Ag Waste  Transportation Fuel
Ag Waste  Transportation Fuel
Municipal Solid Waste  Transportation Fuel
Municipal Solid Waste  Transportation Fuel

*Source Separated Organics: yard trimmings, wood waste, paper fibers